Online Projects

React App: Transylvanian Castles

memory game screenshot

Transylvanian Castles Map Live Preview
Transylvanian Castles Map GitHub Repo

Designed from scratch a single page React application. The app shows a map of famous Transylvanian castles. The names and markers can be filtered to display only the searched results. Additional information about the locations, along with photos fetched from Flickr API, is accessible via an infowindow.

Matching Card Game

memory game screenshot

Memory Game Live Preview
Project's GitHub Repo

Converted a static project of a browser-based card memory game to an interactive one. It required modifying JavaScript, HTML and CSS starter files.
This project is featured on Nanodegree Students Showcase page.

Arcade Game

arcade game screenshot

Arcade Game Live Preview
Project's GitHub Repo

Programmed interactivity for an HTML5 Canvas powered video game (the engine and assets were provided by Udacity), developed using the best practices in Object Oriented JavaScript, and designed additional page graphics.

Responsive Restaurant Reviews Page

Main page screenshot

Restaurant Reviews p.1 Live Preview
Project's GitHub Repo

Added page's responsivity, a11y features and a service worker.

Responsive Page Project

Portfolio page screnshot

Udacity Responsive Portfolio Project
Project's GitHub Repo

Created a responsive site based on a mockup .pdf file, and customized it.

Animal Card in HTML and CSS

Cat CSS card

First Udacity Assignment
Project's GitHub Repo

Created an animal card based on a mockup .png file, and customized it.

A Shooter Game Prototype

Snackception title screen

Snackception Prototype Online Preview

Designed simple graphics with use of Inkscape and GIMP, while Bartosz BieliƄski did all the JavaScript programming.

The game's mostly about shooting hostile pretzels with laser beams. Until you die one too many times. The rest of the story is yet to unravel.

Made for fun, in a short amount of time.